Made for
athletes & artists!

Represent and earn.

The quickest way

from A to B

A to B

Connect directly with brands without ever having to ask your heavily invested audience to leave your online ecosystem. We build your custom-designed page. You put products from your favorite brands on your page and use it as a hub to point your audience to.

One ecosystem. Yours.

Don’t lose your hard-earned audience

With your own page, your audience only dives further into your creative rabbit hole and directly engages with brands you’ve partnered with. Instead of the brand's website, you send your audience to your own page on the AtoB platform.

We design and build your page as an extension of your influencer identity. What else can you do with it? You are in charge. You choose.

Passive income for an active lifestyle

Grow, nurture, and empower.

Point your audience to your page by making cool content! You empower your audience and provide value while at the same time connecting your audience to inspiring brands.

No order fulfillment, no hassle.

You don’t have to worry about inventory, order fulfillment, complaints, or returns. All you need is to showcase the product on your page. The brand handles the rest, and you receive your commissions.

Make money in your sleep.

Do your thing, exercise, train, and make cool content. While you recover, our platform automates order processing, payments, and commissions. You wake up a tad bit richer.


We are the “agent”, we make sure that fair deals are struck and there’s no souring between brand and you.

Once a partnership is established, our smart-backend will automate payments, commissions, and everything else in accordance with the agreement.

You bring your audience to your page right here on the AtoB platform. You won’t be asked to send your audience off-site to visit the brand's site.


Our platform is designed for you! Let’s change the game and have more control over where we send our audience.


Authentically connect with BRANDS.
Bring revenue streams and validate your value as an ATHLETE/ARTIST.

Let’s start building your A2B page. Fill out the fields below to tell us about you, choose the template for your page, and pick the brands you want to feature. We’ll turn your concept into reality.

Social Media Links

Want to learn more about A2B before building your page? Fill out the form below, and our Business Development Representative will get in touch with more information.

Talk to us and discover how you can sell more in less time –
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